thank you for considering financially supporting my journey to obtain my associates of science in midwifery and become a certified midwife...

Aspiring midwives are the architects of a future where every woman experiences childbirth with dignity and respect.

- Anonymous


My personal birth choices have led me down a path that continues to call me deeper and further in...

My journey.

A little over a year after having our oldest son (in the hospital, un-medicated with a hired doula), I learned the art of birth photography and videography. I gave it everything I had. After our second son was born, and after witnessing firsthand the beauty of out of hospital births as well as the deceptive "safety" hospitals claim to provide for women, I pursued an education in doula work. A doula is someone who's job is to know many details about pregnancy and childbirth and how to assist women in giving birth, usually unmedicated.

We moved to Texas soon after embarking on my journey as a doula, and within a year I became pregnant with our third son. Our oldest was the appropriate age to officially begin homeschooling and I knew I needed to let something go...

Why out of hospital birth midwifery?

Lower risks

Specifically in Texas, Cesarean (C-section) rates are astronomically higher than ACOG (American College of Obstetricians and Gynocologists) has researched and proven should be the standard. They believe the percentage should be well below 20%, yet most hospitals in Texas are in the 30% range and upward. Homebirths with low-risk mothers are the lowest Cesarean percentages.

Mothers and babies are priority

In a hospital setting, there are many protocols and policies that must be followed to avoid that hospital from being sued. These protocols and policies rarely have the best interest of the mother and baby, and often make it an absolute fight for anyone who wants to have a physiological birth. Home birth and birthing centers provides the opportunity for mothers and babies to truly come first.

The next generation

There are many ways to become a midwife, and I believe I am embarking on the right path for me by obtaining my ASM to become a licensed midwife within 2 years. I am so grateful to have (one of the two required) preceptors that I have over the next year+ to learn from her wisdom. She is incredibly gifted, wise, and has a beautiful work/life balance. She was the safe presence for our fourth baby, born breech at home.

I said goodbye to birthwork.

It was not an easy decision to discontinue my doula and birth photograpy career. I knew I had to in order to give my children the attention they needed for pursuing homeschooling. Letting go of being a part of making birth a better experience for other women was hard. I knew it was just "for now" and not "forever," but it weighed on me.

Fast forward to the end of the pregnancy with our fourth baby, our sweet beautiful girl. We found out she was breech late into the third trimester. I had never experienced a single baby positioning issue in all of my pregnancies up until this point. I was very shaken, and all of the birth knowledge I carry seemed to make the weight of the decision I had to make even more intense. Would we transfer out of our home birth care and plans, and give birth in the hospital after giving birth at home twice? So many questions and so much uncertainty flooded my brain.

We ended up deciding to give birth at home, and actually up until I was pushing, I thought she had flipped head down. Instead, a foot appeared first and let's just say that was my most difficult birth experience by a long shot. My midwife was excellent, a calm and precious presence. My birth story would have ended drastically differently if we had been in any other birth setting, I firmly believe.

I had a supernatural "prophetic" moment a few months after our daughter was born. Craig and I had been seriously talking about my desire to finally pursue midwifery like I had the underlying desire to do all through these years. I would joke, "I'll probably be a midwife one day." The prophetic moment happened when someone I barely knew approached me at a social gathering the very same week we were having serious conversations abotu this. She shared that in her dream someone was having a baby, and I was there helping her have the baby. Then she told the woman having the baby that she would have it for her instead and went on to have four babies in total as I helped her and it was the worst pain she’d ever experienced. We were also all somewhere in the mountains with big boulders/rocks while this went on.

I could not believe my ears. I had the chills listening to her share this dream with me, and she almost didn’t tell me because it was so random to her. In her dream, I was a midwife. She knew none of my history and this blew me away.

Looking back on my life one day, there’s nothing better I can think of to spend my life doing (besides raising my children alongside my husband) than supporting women like this in childbirth. This is my calling, and it's time to take a step towards it...

Saying hello again.

It's been four years since I said goodbye to birth work. We have since moved out of the suburbs outside of Hosuton onto a 3 acre homestead. We have established a relatively smooth homeschool rythym. The oldest boys are involved in learning more than one musical instrument with weekly classes at a phenomenal local music school. They also play baseball and when the weather isn't too hot, we spend time with our horse. The youngest two tag along to all of the things and spend their days eating nourishing food and playing. Together, Craig and I run a home-based market, connecting local farmers to our community.

The school that I have chosen, The National College of Midwifery, is self-paced and estimates each midwife finishes with their ASM within 2-2/12 years minumum. The school will provide me with a license that will be recognizable in most states in the US. They allow for up to 5 years to complete the program, with yearly renewal fees should someone go beyond 3 years. In addition to online school, I will be entering into a preceptor relationship with a midwife to learn from through required attendance at prenatals, births, and postpartum care visits to obtain my clinical hours. I will be required to have two preceptors, but only am required to have one lined up to begin.

The total cost of my schooling will be $13,500 (not including required text books, which can range between $2500-3500). The schooling prices will be increasing by the thousands in January of 2025, unless all of my blocks can be paid for before then. My goal is to have it paid for by November 30 of this year.

I will have the option to go on to obtain my Bachelors (BMS), should I choose to after obtaining my ASM. Once I have my ASM and pass NARM (North American Registry of Midwives) exam, I will be a licensed midwife.

In an effort to avoid further debt, I am asking anyone who would like to help fund this endevour to give what you can towards my education in becoming a licensed midwife. Your support will be furthering the future of midwifery and I am so grateful for your consideration. Your financial support means more than I could ever possibly express. Any amount is most appreciated.

The journey of becoming a midwife is a testament to the belief that every birth is a sacred story waiting to be told.

- Anonymous

funding goal


Thank you for considering supporting my journey financially. All funds will go towards my goal of raising $17,000 for the total of my schooling and book expenses.

Feel free to donate via a check in the mail, the online option below, or you can also Venmo @nicolebimber if you prefer.

If you feel so inclined, please share.

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Midwifery School Funding

Midwifery School Funding

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We are hosting this webpage and online donation option on our business website Nourished Market. You will checkout there, but this will go directly to Nicole's schooling funds. Thank you so much.